Short term low impact rentals available in the region for film, photography and home stagings.


Are you an independent upscale retailer in need of constantly changing props? I am looking to partner with someone in a busy retail space where I can lend a few pieces a season for you to use in your display in return for making my cards and info available for your shoppers. In the event you can sell a piece of mine, I would offer you a commission just like I pay my online marketplaces. It’s a great way to get some interesting inventory that you do not have to store, pay for or keep! I take it back when you are ready to swap out with new items which you could choose from my inventory as well. All I ask is that you keep them from public use to prevent damages. Sound fun? Email me and let’s discuss! From boho to purist, I have some sweet items that can enhance your shop without costing you a dime! 

Blanket sourced for film ‘Dust nuggets’

Blanket sourced for film ‘Dust nuggets’

Pre-screening of ‘Dust Nuggets’ film on the big scrEen!

Pre-screening of ‘Dust Nuggets’ film on the big scrEen!